
Showing posts from February, 2024

Pink Shirt Day

 Today we learned the story behind Pink Shirt Day. All of the colours are for everyone to enjoy! We discussed ways to be a good friend, such as sharing and playing with others. We are all so kind. 

Happy 100th Day!

  WOW! Thank you so much for helping your child create their float for the parade. I was blown away by the creativity! Thank you to those who were able to make it to watch our parade in person. We had the best day. We could not have done it without all of your support from home. I am so grateful to have such wonderful Kindergarten parents! Take a look at the pictures below. 

Happy Valentine's Day!

  Thank you so much to everyone for bringing in so many cards and goodies! We are so blessed. Happy Valentine's Day!

Money Mentor Presentation

 Today we listened to a presentation from Money Mentors. They taught us about money! They showed us the difference between coins and bills. We learned that we need money to buy things in life. We talked about loonies, toonies, and the different bill amounts. We learned that a toonie is worth more than a loonie. Next time you pay with cash talk about it with your child and count the amount together. We will continue exploring money at our new cash register centre.