
Showing posts from January, 2024

Scholastic Book Orders

    Scholastic Book Orders If you are interested in buying some books for your child, please visit the website below. Any books that you buy through the website with our code gives our classroom money to buy books. Please place your orders by February 29 th . The Scholastic book order website is: ·          The class code for ordering books online from Scholastic is RC109534 . TT

100 Day of School Note

   Our 100th Day of Kindergarten is on Tuesday, February 27th . We will have a 100th Day Parade at school. We are so excited but we need your help.  Please help your child make a 100th Day of Kindergarten ‘float” for our parade. A ‘float’ is a box (about the size of a shoe box) that your child can decorate at home with 100 items on it. Some ideas include: 100 polka dots, 100 pennies, 100 buttons, 100 bows, 100 stickers,100 popsicle sticks, 100 seashells, 100 cotton balls, 100 feathers,100 pom poms …or anything else your child can imagine! Please attach some string or a ribbon to one end of your child’s box so that it can be pulled in our 100th Day Parade. Please ensure your child’s name is on their float/box.  Children should bring their decorated ‘floats/boxes” to school with them on Tuesday, February 27th, 2024. When the parade starts all of the other classes in the school will come out into the hallway. We will pull our floats/boxes down the hallways while everyo...

Happy Mismatched Clothing Day!


Just Like You Presentation

 Today we had a presentation in the small gym. We learned about the word disability and how to include others who have a disability. Some people may be in a wheelchair or have a robot arm or leg (Prosthetic). There is always room and a way to include everyone.

Christmas Pictures

 I hope everyone had a wonderful holiday. Here are a couple of pictures from Pajama Day and our Christmas Concert Day.